Homemade Maple Applesauce

2016 has been an interesting year for this food blogger. I just looked back on my previous post from January that said my New Years goal was to get back into the Forks & Rec game...oops. Well, we are over halfway through 2016, but there's still time. There is a reason why you haven't heard much from me the past few months. At the beginning of March, I travelled to a lake in central Zambia with a group of friends. We had a blast at the lake, but also got lost, got a truck stuck in the mud, and got soaked by thunderstorms during the course of the day. Legend has it that this lake is cursed, and if the preceding list of difficulties didn't prove it, I did. While we were packing up, I tripped on a rock and fell [Read more]

Homemade Hummus

Happy New Year! I know we've all been thinking about our goals for 2016. Goals depend on accountability, so I'll tell you one of mine: get back in my Forks & Rec game. I cringed when I saw that the last post had been on October 4, 2015, more than three months ago. Here's to being better in 2016! What better thing to dip back into the blogosphere with than my favorite homemade hummus recipe?  I first tried my hand at homemade hummus when I was doing an internship in Bamako, Mali in the summer of 2014. I was seriously craving hummus, but couldn't find it in the (one or two) grocery stores in the city. I found the ingredients, made it in a blender, and reveled in the glory of familiar tastes. When you live away [Read more]

Energy Bites


I am a snacker. I always find myself reaching for the fridge door, peering inside, and reaching for something to munch on. I also have a sweet tooth. This could be a dangerous combination. Luckily, I started making these energy bites that satisfy all my cravings and are packed with good-for-you foods. Tucked away in my fridge, they are a lifesaver.  The base of these bites are dates. I used to hate dates with a fiery passion when I was younger, but now I cannot get enough of them. Whenever we were in Palm Springs visiting family, my mom would get a date milkshake. I'd try it, stick out my tongue and push it away...and then reach for my chocolate shake, obviously. But things changed. Dates are sweet and can be stuffed with wonderful [Read more]

Healthy Homemade Granola

I can think of few things more lovely than the smell of homemade granola in the oven. Well, except maybe that comforting feeling of eating granola first thing in the morning, either with yogurt, cereal, or on its own. Both are absolute delights.  If you are new to the kitchen, I highly recommend you start out your kitchen exploration with this healthy homemade granola. It's easy, delicious, and sure to impress your friends. Each time you reach for the granola jar, you feel satisfied that you made something so wonderful on your own. Plus, granola is stupid expensive when you buy it from the grocery store, but totally affordable to make on your own. That's reason enough.  However, you have to be careful about granola. It [Read more]

Chia Seed Pudding 3 Ways: Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla


Pudding really isn't my thing. Or so I thought until I started playing around with chia seed puddings. These three chia seed puddings - chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla - will provide an excellent starting point to experimenting with the whole range of possibilities in the chia seed pudding world! You can layer them with fruits, yogurt, nuts, peanut butter, granola, or whatever else your heart desires (and your pantry provides).   In order to understand why I was so doubtful about chia seed pudding, you must understand a key thing about me. I love almost all foods except for a couple very specific things, one of which is oatmeal. I just cannot bring myself to eat more than two bites of oatmeal before my body and mind says "STOP [Read more]